Creative Film Project - Cinematic Ideas

Create a list of cinematic ideas for a key sequence: this must include extreme close up, medium shot, two shot, zoom-in, high angles, low angles, low-key lighting, editing, sound, etc.

Beginning: The short film will start off with a repetitive montage of shots. These shots will be of: walking into college, scanning the card, walking to class, getting notes and books out, taking notes, packing away, walking out of college (?); regular things that happen on a day to day basis within the college. These will then be repeated through the use of editing to emphasise the repetition of a day-to-day life. The shots will slowly get faster and faster, until the character 'snaps'. 

Middle: The main character, Michael, will then go on a murderous killing spree, much in the style of Michael Myers in terms of the weapon, but Jason Voorhees in terms of the mask. There will a use of middle shots from behind, not showing the main character's face but will show him going into rooms, hearing screams and then leaving with blood covered on him. There will also hopefully be a shot where the door is left half open, the camera will be positioned outside and the audience will be able to see two shadows: one of the main character and one of the victim.

Ending: The ending will consist of a short scene. In this scene, one of us will be walking with the camera down a dark corridor. The mask will be placed on the floor, covered in blood. There will be a spotlight above it to emphasise the importance of the mask and create mystery as to where the main character has gone. The very ending sound will be of a flashlight clicking off, but it will be non-diegetic. 


Extreme Close Up: of all the notes/work, of the blood splattered on the mask, the mask itself.

Medium Shot: from behind the main character while he is walking around the college - can only see his back.

Two Shot: the shadows of both the main character and the victim?

Zoom-in: zooming into the room the main character and the victim are in (as mentioned before, the room with the door half open with the shadows on the wall), zooming into the mask (going from a close up to an extreme close up through the use of zoom)

High angles: looking down from the killers point of view at a hand/arm covered in blood?

Low angles: looking up at the killer with the mask on, emphasising his power 

Lowkey Lighting: high-key lighting at the beginning, then low-key lighting when the main character 'snaps' - dark corridors and classrooms

Editing: the repetitive montage of shots at the beginning before the character snaps

Sound: music: "Yonderboi - before you snap"
- when the line says "before you snap", that's when the main character will 'snap'


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